I’ve always enjoyed eating fresh, organic sunflower seed sprouts but store bought ones can be less than fresh and often expensive. It’s so easy to grow your own in as little as seven days!
Right after I harvest, I plant more to keep them going so I always have fresh sunflower sprouts ready. Follow my short, 8 easy steps and start making your own sunflower seed sprouts.
As well as being delicious, they are high in Zinc, Vitamin B & E, and a good source of protein.
Use potting trays found in your nursery or home supply store. If the holes are too big, lay down plant material such as coconut coir, leaves or newspaper to prevent your dirt from falling out if necessary.
Coconut coir or even newspaper down to prevent dirt from falling out.
2. Add potting soil or leaf litter.
Spread soil out evenly.
3. Add sunflower seeds. You can grow your own seeds or purchase them raw from the natural food store. It’s not essential, but to ensure fast germination, soak your seeds over night.
Put them on down so that seeds are touching seeds and then lightly cover with dirt.
4. Water well and cover to prevent birds or small animals from eating the sunflower seeds.
Cover with inverted planting trays.
5. Water everyday until the sprouts are big enough to harvest (approx. 7 days). Cut them at dirt level with a pair of scissors.
Time to harvest.
6. Rinse and remove any seed pods that may be clinging to the leaves. After they are dry, store them in a plastic bag in your refrigerator along with a paper towel to absorb any moisture.
Use a colander to rinse sprouts.
8. Enjoy in salads or on sandwiches.
Liven up your food with fresh sunflower sprouts.